Trant Team Philosophy and Outreach

As Canadian scientists we get involved in a lot of stuff that isn’t, strictly speaking, Capital S Science. This is a place to find that stuff.


Safety Research and Commentary

A lot of people have probably come across this website because of safety research. And have then been disappointed about all this supramolecular and bioorganic and computational stuff. Well, fear not! Although a lot of the work is still in progress and unpublished, we do have a few more things you can read!

John and Dana’s essay on the challenge of doing interdisciplinary research in a “Behind the Paper” invited by the fine people at Nature (2019):

The realities of interdisciplinary research

Dana and John’s TLDR of the Nature Chemistry review in Chemistry World (2020):

Science Undergraduate Research Experiences (SURE)

As the Trant Team we get involved in a lot of things because we like saying “yes” and we all have problems with boundaries. One of our major initiatives, as I am sure you can tell, is Undergraduate Research. Potential researchers are encouraged to contact Dr. Trant and any of the other team members. We believe that the undergraduate research opportunity is one of the most important experiences we can provide UWindsor students. And we want you to join early in your degree (year 1? year 2? Before year 1? Sounds good.)

John’s essay in University Affairs touches on a lot of these points.

You should hire an undergrad for your lab

And we recently got a letter to the editor in Nature on the same subject (but even shorter).

Bring training forward for undergraduate researchers